NaNoWriMo - Nov.1 - Word Count 2910

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nov.1 - Start! using zulupad pro for journaling progress, and for cross referencing. If I get ideas or information on how this new world I'm writing works, I'll dump it in there, make the wiki for it later. Most of these posts like these word count or reflections on the writing process will be done there.

For the actual writing, I'm using writemonkey. Simple clean interface, no distractions. Reminds me of WP5, blue background, white letters. No bloat ware here, self running EXE.

Once I'm done a segment I'm copying the whole thing, then dump into other word editor for word count.

2910 words on 'Unnamed' steampunk/fantasy epic, I don't need unecessary loss of time doing science research, this is pure story writing baby!

Already blogged, checked on slow cooker. Procrastination, thy name is Pearce, NO MORE!